While I fully expect FFVIIR to be among the crop of games that receive PS5 remasters, it’ll be interesting to see if it just jumps directly to the Series X once its year-long Sony exclusivity is up in 2021. Coming out on PlayStation 4 just about six months before we expect the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X to hit makes it a safe bet that the next installment will at the very least be cross-gen, if not a full-on next-gen game. We met Final Fantasy VII Remake at a very strange time in the lives of our consoles. While we can save story speculation for another time, the other major questions are when we’re going to see the second part of this Remake project and on what hardware it will appear. But without going into spoilers, the final act of the game managed to twist things in a way that has longtime fans of the PS1 classic champing at the bit to see where the story heads next - you know, other than the Chocobo Farm and the Midgar Zolom. Remake ended where most of us figured it would, with Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, Barret, and Red XIII exiting the sprawling metropolis of Midgar and journeying towards the wild blue yonder. With all of this in mind, we’re left with one simple question in regards to Square Enix - now what? With the news that the game had the best-selling first month in the storied franchise’s history, cementing its place at the top of April’s NPD sales charts, it was clear that FFVIIR was also a dramatic commercial success. It expertly weaponized the potent nostalgia of the iconic PS1 original, subverted expectations with surprising revelations and commentary, and generally managed to be a beautiful and modern action RPG. Not only did it finally release the first part of Final Fantasy VII Remake, a dream project, but the game actually turned out to be remarkably good. It’s been nearly two months since Square Enix did the impossible.